
LED LIGHT SINGAPORE is Singapore based registered company
Business registration number: 53229298K
We provide quality LED products at the lowest prices in market.

Looking to save on your monthly power bills? Finding cheapest led tubes / lights to replace your old ones?
Or thinking of redecorating your place to come home to a cosy and beautiful place?

Look no further! Ledlightsg has the perfect
low cost solution for you!!!!

LED (Light-emitting diode) lamps or lights are currently the most efficient and cost saving source of illumination. Higher percentage light is being produced using lower power as compared to traditional incandescent or fluorescent light bulb. Lifespan is substantially longer as well.

We provide quality LED products at the lowest prices in market. 1 year warranty on all our products and all our products has attained numerous international standards like CE, RoHS, ISO 9001 etc, thus ensuring safety, quality and reliability.

All our products has attained numerous international standards like CE, RoHS, ISO 9001 etc, thus ensuring safety, quality and reliability.